RoomC Video Sales and Rentals - Division Rhoades National Corporation

ASKING TOUGH QUESTIONS - The War on Terrorism - An Alternative View

Have the mainstream media failed to ask tough questions about September 11? They have generally accepted the official story, but sceptics believe there are still many unanswered questions. VisionTV Insight: Mediafile tackles this contentious issue in a provocative panel discussion that features American investigative journalist and whistle-blower Michael Ruppert, along with journalist and former Commissioner for the Somalia Inquiry Peter Desbarats, ethicist Phyllis Creighton and the former chair of Canada's Security Intelligence Review Committee, Ron Atkey. Rita Deverell, Executive Producer of VisionTV Insight, moderates the discussion.

54-minute VHS Cassette. Original Broadcast date March 14th. 2002

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RoomC Div. Rhoades National Corp.
Shipping: 40 Industrial Park Dr.
Mailing: 125 Rhoades Ln
Hendersonville, Tn. 37075
Phone: 615-822-9329